

Tailscale does not require a domain name and SSL certificate, it self-hosts DERP relay service.

Here is the method to set up a custom DERP server on Ubuntu without the need for a domain name and SSL certificate, but requiring a public IP (the network server will provide a public IP, such as AWS, Alibaba Cloud, etc.):

  1. apt update && apt install -y wget git openssl curl sudo vim systemctl cron
  2. Check the latest version of go here
  3. wget https://golang.google.cn/dl/go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz and replace 1.21.3 with the latest version number
  4. rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz to replace the default system go
  5. Modify the system variable export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
  6. If you are in China, add go source:
  7. Install DERPER go install tailscale.com/cmd/derper@main
  8. Go to the folder ~/go/pkg/mod/[tailscale]/cmd/derper, then modify the file vim cert.go and delete the validation-related content:
  9. Compile DERPER: go build -o /etc/derp/derper
  10. Generate a self-signed SSL certificate openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout /etc/derp/derp.test.com.key -out /etc/derp/derp.test.com.crt -subj "/CN=derp.test.com" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:derp.test.com"
  11. Create a system service vim /etc/systemd/system/derp.service:
    12345 is the port number of the DERP node, which needs to be exposed to the public network using the TCP protocol. You can also set your preferred port number. Port 3478 needs to be exposed using the UDP protocol, and this port number cannot be changed as it is required for the stun service.
  12. After running the above commands, DERP should be displayed as active. Then open https://IP:PORT in a browser, and you will see:
  13. Open the Tailscale Admin Console, click on Access Controls, and copy the following content above ssh:
  14. Check if the DERP node is working by running tailscale netcheck on another device.
    Wow, the speed of the nodes in my house is slower than the default.
  15. The DERPER service will always crash, so for safety reasons, we need to restart the service periodically. crontab is the best choice.
  16. Run crontab -e and paste 0 */12 * * * systemctl start derp inside. The DERPER service will restart every 12 hours. Then press ESC, enter :wq to exit.
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